Original Product – More safety for you
A new visual communication with more modern design and standard elements, keeping the features in the products, to have something unique and avoid counterfeiting.
A benchmark in the beauty sector
A benchmark product in the beauty market for almost 10 years, delivering the highest standard on hair straightening results.
New Package:
- Exclusive customization with security elements that prevents counterfeiting.
- Original, only Salvatore
- Brazilian and worldwide certificates. The assured quality of the products is tested through many lab analysis reports and research, proving their effectiveness and safety
- Batch with tracking number
- Batch traceability control with exclusive sales numbers makes it possible to attest and know the origin of the product.
- Sustainable Brazilian Industry
- When searching for new suppliers, we look for companies that follow the same values as us, have higher quality standards with certifications, and are committed to having the lowest impact on the environment.
- The new blue gold premium.